The Interlocal Purchasing System(TIPS/
TAPS) is sponsored by the Region VIII
Education Service Center (ESC8) located
at 4845 Highway 271 North,
Pittsburg, Texas 75686 and is governed
by the Region 8 ESC Board of
Directors. The Interlocal Purchasing
System is available for use by all
public and private schools, colleges,
universities, cities, counties, and other
government entities in the states of Arkansas,
Arizona, Illinois, Kansas, Louisiana, Missouri, New Mexico,
Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Tennessee,
Texas, Virginia, and Washington.
The TIPS/TAPS Program takes PRIDE in providing a purchasing coop where Awarded Vendors and Members both benefit. With a successful award, a vendor can expedite an order for a member because all purchasing requirements are completed during the RFP process. A school district or other TIPS/TAPS Member can benefit from the cost savings of time and expense in competitively bidding each purchase.
The Purpose of TIPS/TAPS